6 February 2013

Thoughts on A Postcard to the World by Aaron Pilgrim

First of all, I wasn’t all that enthusiastic about the theme of A Postcard to the World.  However, I went on a CoolTan trip to the British Library to see their Olympic postcard art exhibition which was in the foyer. This exhibition really inspired me and I was then enthusiastic about the Postcard to the World theme.

Next, I joined the CoolTan sound art class with the sound artist called Esa.  In this class I recorded some sound off YouTube onto a podcaster. The sound was of the men’s one hundred metres final that was won by Usain Bolt, and also the sound of the one hundred metres ‘blade’ men’s final, won by Andy Peacock.  The idea was that both sporting events were equally exciting and important.

Next, I designed the front postcard picture for this sound. I drew this at a CoolTan workshop at The Tate Modern in The East Room. The finished sound card with the artwork was then displayed in The East Room for the rest of the day, which I thought was fantastic! 

About a week later I attended another Postcard to the World class at CoolTan Arts. This class was taught by the artist called Angelica. During this class I designed two new Olympic themed postcards.  The postcards were images of the Olympic flame and the Olympic torch. These two cards were then displayed at The Maudsley Hospital in The Retreat cafĂ©. After this, all three of my cards (the Olympic sound art card, the Olympic flame card, & the Olympic torch card) were displayed at The Centre for Better Health in Hackney, East London.

During the Olympics, I was in my car in a supermarket car park when I heard some loud music and talking on a tanoy. The music was Lady Ga Ga’s ‘I was born this way’. I realised it was the Paralympic torch relay so I rushed to the road side and I saw the back of an open top coach with loads of people on it. This was where the sound was coming from. Unfortunately the torch bearer was in front of the coach, so annoyingly I missed the torch bearer, however, I got the buzz of the spectacle.
My brother told me he would try to get hold of some tickets to the Olympics, so I told him to get some for me, my partner and my daughter, and that I would go with him. Unfortunately he couldn’t get any tickets, however I loved watching it on T.V.

I think the Olympics and Paralympics were great and I hope people like my postcards!

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